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Contact us and a little bit about us

The newspaper was established in 1998 and has always its aim was to support trade relations between Europe and the Eastern countries. Today, our main activities is the support of trade between the Russian Federation, the Czech Republic and China. Czech Republic takes over the full responsibility to represent and businessmen of Central and Western Europe. We look with optimism to the future and see that trade between our countries will develop and grow only. In Europe, constantly increasing flow of goods from China, we hope also from the Russian Federation, he will grow in both directions. We are working on it and we will.


Publisher: Information advertising publication Center Evropy

Karel Bruha

Central Editorial Board: & CEO

Administrator Lomnickeho 2 Praha 4, metro Prazskeho povstani.
skype:karel-praha1 (Karel Bruha)
mob.:+420 602 202 307 (RU,CZ )

Alexander Eist

Address Web & International

Administrator Boleslavova 3 Praha 4, metro Vyshehrad
skype:nashesolnce (Alex Eist)
mob.:+420775 170 171 (EN, RU,CZ )